April 1, 2006 Board Meeting Minutes
The first Board meeting of 2006 occured April 1 2006
at Mi Rancho restaurant in Clearwater S.C. Those in attendance
were as follows:
- President Karl Keene
- Vice President Wendall Freeman
- Secretary Johnny Johnson
- Susan Keene, Membership Director
- Treasurer Jana Anderson
- Ed Sadowski, Board Member
- Belinda Sheppard, Board Member
- Becky Worthy, Board Member
Things discussed at said meeting were as follows:
- The Exec. Comm. decided to let Jana take care of the t-shirts for the club.
Reason being Balinda decided to let another person take over the task, Jana
offered. The board agreed to let her. We decided to order several different sizes.
Maintaining the same logo as always. Any special orders for t-shirts such as
tank tops, sweat shirts, jackets ect. will be taken at the April meeting.
- The board decied to empty the book case at the foxes lair, and put it in a auction.
Anyone who has any thing in it. You may want to go ahead and get it at the next meeting.
- Points system came up and will remain the same through out the 2006 campain.
- Talked about tax exemption for the club. Ed Sadowski offered to find out and get info on
the clubs position.
- The Exec. Comm. discussed the possibilty of locations for our private 10th Ann. party.
The following locations came to lite. Mi Ranchos back deck., Joe and Beckys house.
as well Billy and Balindas. any other ideas please bring them to the general meeting
for consideration.
- Connie made from across the room the deadline for News letter articles will be by
the May meeting.