Parrot Heads of the Savannah River

Join Us!

The PARROT HEADS OF THE SAVANNAH RIVER always welcomes new parrot heads to our merry phlock. Joining us is simple - print out our membership form, write us a very very small check, and mail it to us. If you have questions you want to ask before joining, give one of our club officers a call or email - all the info you need is on the officers page.

Club Operations

Here's some information about how our club operates:

(You'll need the free Acrobat reader to view and print our membership form, by-laws, and points system. If you don't already have it on your computer you can download it here)

Current Members

Here's our current member list. As you can see, we are a pretty large phlock! We'd like to grow by having you join us!

Ed Butterick
Shirley Butterick
Amanda Freeman
Cathy Freeman
Wendall Freeman
Carol Gardner
Karl Keene
Susan Keene
Johnny Johnson
Connie Johnson
Becky McDaniel
Kelly Stevens
Brenda Summers
Becky Worthy
Rachel Yearwood